casibom giriş


– An article by Goa State AIDS Control Society, Panaji-Goa
June 24, 2022
World Blood Donor Day is celebrated across the globe on June 14 each year. The day marks the opportunity to thank the blood donors for their life saving gift of blood The day is also celebrated to raise global awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products for transfusion and of the critical contribution of voluntary, unpaid blood donors towards this cause .The occasion also provides an opportunity to call to action to governments and national health authorities to provide adequate resources and put into place systems and infrastructures to increase the collection of blood from voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors.
Ensuring safe blood and blood products are a critical aspect of health care and the public health system. This saves millions of lives and improves the health and quality of life of many patients every day. Blood is an intrinsic requirement for health care and Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) are an integral part of the healthcare system throughout the world. Blood cannot be manufactured artificially, only human beings can share this gift of life. Voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors from a low risk population are the cornerstone of the safe and adequate supply of blood and blood products.
To ensure that everyone who needs safe blood has access to it, all countries need voluntary, unpaid donors who donate blood regularly. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, despite limited mobility and other challenges, blood donors have continued to donate blood and plasma to patients who need transfusion. This extraordinary effort during a time of unprecedented crisis highlights the crucial role of well-organized, committed voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors in ensuring a safe and sufficient blood supply.

For 2022, the World Blood Donor Day slogan will be “Donating blood is an act of solidarity”. Join the effort and save lives” to draw attention to the roles that voluntary blood donations play in saving lives and enhancing solidarity within communities to come forward and donate blood regularly and contribute to better health.

The specific objectives of this year’s campaign are to:

  • To celebrate and thank blood donors and create wider public awareness of the need for regular, unpaid blood donation
  • To highlight the need for committed, year round blood donation to maintain adequate supplies and achieve universal and timely access to safe blood transfusion
  • To give attention on donor health and the quality of donor care as critical factors in building donor commitment and a willingness to donate regularly
  • promote the community values of blood donation in enhancing community solidarity and social cohesion;
  • encourage youth to embrace the humanitarian call to donate blood and inspire others to do the same;
  • To mobilize support at national, regional and global levels among governments and development partners to invest in, strengthen and sustain national Blood programmes
  • Engagement of youth as partners in promoting health.
  • NACO has estimated a clinical demand of 1.46 crore units of blood to address the requirement that arises in healthcare facilities across the country.
  • According to the Strategic Information Management System of NACO, in 2020-21, a total of around 1.03 crore blood units were collected at 3,500 licensed Blood Centres.
  • Almost 57% (58 lakhs) of the total collection in 2020-21 happened at NACO blood unit supported blood centres.
  • Almost 3/4th of the blood collections (74%) at NACO supported Blood Centres was through voluntary blood donation. Out of 74% of Voluntary blood Donation, 41% of the blood collection in NACO supported blood centres was through conducting the voluntary blood donation camps.
  • Around 4% of the total collection at NACO’s supported blood centres was from female donors.
  • In 2020-21 at the country level, 78% of blood units collected by blood centre’s with component separation facilities were used for component preparation.

Goa Scenario

  • The availability of blood is ensured through a network of 5 licensed blood banks; three in the Government sector and 2 in private sectors.
  • Total annual requirement of blood is 25000 units.
  • The total collection of blood during the year 2021 was 23934 units.
  • The proportion of voluntary blood collection is 64%.
  • 354 blood donation camps were organized in the year 2021.
  • In 2022 up to May 2022, total collection of blood is 9730 units.
  • The proportion of voluntary blood collection is 65%
  • In 2022 up to May, the State has organized 152 blood donation camps.
  • During the year 2021, more than 91% of the blood units were collected through the State Government Blood Bank.
  • The voluntary blood donation has increased from 53.4% in 2005 to 67% in 2021.
  • The HIV reactivity among the blood donors has drastically decreased from 0.73% to 0.11% (i.e. from 85 in 2005 to 26 in 2021).
  • The HIV reactivity among the voluntary blood donors has decreased from 0.43% in 2005 to 0.11% in 2021.
  • The HIV reactivity among the replacement blood donors has drastically decreased from 1.07% in 2005 to 0.12% in 2021.
  • All the blood units collected were screened for HIV, Malaria, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and VDRL for safe blood transmission.

Blood Safety in Goa, 2005-2022 (up to May)

Year Total  Units Collection Voluntary Donation units  % HIV + Donors %
2005 11854 6607 56% 86 0.7
2006 12503 7119 57% 35 0.3
2007 13678 7933 58% 59 0.4
2008 14932 8585 57% 66 0.4
2009 15363 10049 65% 35 0.2
2010 16906 12242 72% 49 0.3
2011 16188 11559 71% 31 0.2
2012 16172 13113 81% 16 0.09
2013 17294 14089 82% 15 0.08
2014 19668 15885 81% 22 0.11
2015 19668 15345 78% 19 0.09
2016 20049 15983 79% 25 0.11
2017 20925 16572 79% 29 0.14
2018 22995 17981 78% 30 0.13
2019 22840 16854 74% 28 0.12
2020 19507 11840 61% 18 0.09
2021 23934 15263 64% 29 0.12
2022 9730 6317 65% 7 0.07


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