July 26, 2023

Sravana 4,1945

As per the directives of the Election Commission of India, New Delhi, the work of house to house field verification of the details of the existing electors from Photo Electoral Rolls, is undertaken in all the 40 Assembly Constituencies of Goa by the respective Deputy Collectors/EROs and Mamlatdars/AEROs with the help of Booth Level Officers (BLOs) of the concerned part of the Assembly Constituency. In addition to that, BLOs will collect the information regarding Un-enrolled eligible citizens (eligible on October 1, 2023), Prospective electors (eligible on January 1, 2024), Prospective electors ( eligible on three subsequent qualifying dates), Multiple entries / dead electors / Permanently shifted electors and correction in the Electoral Roll entries.

The Booth Level Officers will visit from house to house in their respective part of the Assembly Constituency to verify the details of the electors.

The Booth Level Officers have started the work with effect from July 21, 2023 to August 21, 2023.

The public in general and the political parties in particular are requested to co-operate with the Booth Level Officers and provide necessary information so as to prepare accurate Photo Electoral Rolls in connection with the Special Summary Revision of Electoral rolls with reference to January 1, 2024 as qualifying date, as informed by the Department of Information and Publicity.


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