Panaji: December 30, 2023

Governor of Goa Shri. P.S. Sreedharan Pillai has extended his heartiest greetings and best wishes to the people of Goa on the joyous occasion of New Year 2024.

Governor, in his message, has stated that the New Year is a joyous event when we refresh our thoughts and prepare for new achievements. It is a time when we refresh our thoughts and renew our resolve to make improvements in our life. The New Year brings new hopes, aspirations, expectations and rejuvenates our lives.

Shri. Pillai further has urged the people of Goa to renew our commitment to live in unity and maintain the harmony and social solidarity of our State as it is the best time to diffuse differences, forgive bitterness, foster love and renew our friendship with fellow members in the society. Goa has always been a symbol of peace, harmony, and tolerance and it should be our endeavor to preserve and enrich this legacy and share the joys and sorrows of each other.

May this New Year rekindle in us the spirit of unity and compassion and promote peace and harmony, he concluded.

DIP/NB/PN/SF/2023/ 2171

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