December 27, 2023

Pausa 06, 1945

The programme on Bee Keeping and Honey Production was organized by GCCI Agriculture Committee in coordination with Directorate of Agriculture, on December 22, 2023 at Cotigao village Canacona.

Speaker, Goa Legislative Assembly Shri Ramesh Tawadkar, distributed Saplings of jambul, soapnut, tamarind etc., flowers of which attract bees for nectar to tribal farmers in presence of Shri Orlando Rodrigues Chairman of Agriculture Committee GCCI, Dr Sangam Kurade, Sarpanch of Cotigao Anandu Dessai, dy. Sarpanch, Panchas, Dy. Director Sandeep Fal Dessai, Dy. Director Rena Menezes, ATMA Project Director Shivram N. Gaonkar, Suprajit Raikar, ZAO Nagesh Komarpant and GCCI Dy. Director Ambika Dhakhenkar.

Shri Tawadkar briefed about developmental projects undertaken in the Agriculture sector. He intends to have a honey park in Cotigao area and requested Goa Chamber of commerce Directors to help in preparing the project report so that funds from the Central Government will be made available for establishing the Honey industry in the state. Additionally, he has also requested GCCI for a research project report and inputs on development of community based dairy commercial projects which will be implemented in collaboration with local farmers.

The department simultaneously conducted a training program under Western Ghat Development programme at Baddem Cotigao in association with ATMA (S).

The main objective of the program was to create awareness among local people residing in western Ghat areas to avail benefits of conservation measures.


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