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Ration Quota for March 2021

Panaji, February 23, 2021
Phalguna 4, 1942

The Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs has allocated ration quota for the month of March 2021 for ration card holders and the beneficiaries in the State under National Food Security Act, 2013 Antyodaya Anna Yojana and Priority Household (AAY and PHH), Tide Over (T.O), Annapurna (ANP) and Welfare Institution.

The allocation for Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY)- 35.00 kg rice per card @ Rs.3.00/- per kg; for Priority Household (PHH)- 5.00 kg rice per beneficiary @ Rs.3.00/- per kg; for Above Poverty Line (APL) – 9.00 kg rice per card @Rs.12.50/- and 6.00 kg wheat per card @ Rs10.00/- per kg and for Annapurna (ANP) 10.00Kg rice per card free of cost.

For category of Welfare Institution Scheme 15 kg per inmate either rice/wheat @ Rs.6.15/- per kg and 15 kg wheat per inmate either rice/ wheat @ Rs. 4.80/- per kg.

All the Fair Price Shops owners are informed that the quota lifting should start with immediate effect and they should lift their released quota on or before February 27, 2021 strictly and no extension would be granted for lifting. The ration cardholders are requested to take their entitlement for March, 2021 from their respective Fair Price Shops, as informed by Department of Information and Publicity.
