Goa receives rainfall from South West monsoon between the months of June to September. Rainfall received in 1998 was 3008 mm. Of the many rivers and streams that drain the land of the State, the Terekhol, Mandovi, Zuari, Sal, Talpona, Galgibagh, Betul and Chapora are most important. The lakes are Mayem and Carambolim.
The major crops of the State are paddy, followed by other cereal such as small millets and pulses. The main crop paddy is cultivated in Kharif season (June-September) as monsoon rain provides abundant water. The crops grown in Rabi season (Oct-Feb.) are confined to areas where there is assured water supply. The main irrigation projects are Salaulim Irrigation Project in South Goa and Anjunem Irrigation project in North Goa.
The main plantation crops of Goa are coconut, areca nut, cashew and garden crops like mango, pineapple, jackfruits and bananas.

Goa has a coastal line of about 105 Kms. and inland waterways upto 250 kms. The Coast is full of creeks and estuaries formed by rivers. The coastal and inshore waters are very rich in fishery resources specially Mackerels and sardines. The fishermen population is 30,225. The fish marine catch in 1997-98 is estimated at 94,547 tonnes valued at Rs. 10280 lakhs.
The Government forest area is estimated to be 1224 Sq. Kilometers besides the forestland owned by private people and institutions amounts to 200 sq. kms. The important forests products are bamboo canes, Maratha barks, chillar barks, bhirand etc. The area planted under forest is 1424 sq. kilometers.
Iron ore, manganese, bauxite, high magnesia limestone and clay are the chief minerals of economic importance found in Goa. In 1997-98 the total mineral ore produced in Goa was 176.21 lakh tonnes, of which iron ore exports are 182.71 lakh tonnes. Goa is today on the tourist map of the world. Goa offers to tourists its scenic beauty. Monuments of historical significance and the culture that is an interesting blend of east and west. The beaches of Goa, which are idyllic beauty spots visited annually by hundreds of tourists. Churches, famous for their unique architectural style and temples with their centuries old traditions have boosted tourism in the State of Goa.