casibom giriş

Other Places of Interest in Goa

Dudh- Sagar Water Falls: The dazling Dudhsagar (Ocean of Milk) waterfalls-the pride of Goa cascade majestically down the lofty Western Ghats providing a spectacle of unsurpassed grandeur amidst idylic surroundings. Situated at about 60 kms. From Panaji, Dudhsagar has been placed on the tourist map of Goa with daily package tours by special bogey attached to the Vasco – Londa train picking up tourist at Vasco, Margao and Collem the latter connected by special tourist bus to Panaji.

Goa Kala Academy: The Goa Kala Academy established in 1969 is the prime institution for promotion of art and culture in the state. It functions in collaboration with more than 100 institutions.The Kala Academy complex situated on the bank of river Mandovi provides facilities for art education, performance and development. The complex includes an open air auditorium of capacity 2500, a closed air conditioned of capacity 1000, two mini-theatres, black box with modern recording facilities, full-fledged library of music (tapes and discs) and books, art gallery and works

Mayem Lake: Located about 5kms. From Bicholim the lake is surrounded by green hills and is an ideal picnic spot, which attracts many tourists.

Gopakapuri or Gopaka Pattana: The modern Goa Velha was in ancient times the capital of Kadambas. The ruins of Kadamba palace, an ancient lake and other vestiges of old famous city can be seen even now.

Priorate of Our Lady of Rosary: From this priorate in Old Goa Alphonso de Albuquerque directed the battle, which culminated n the consquest of Goa in 1510. The frontispiece of the church is in Portuguese Manueline style. On the walls of the sanctuary is depicted the Persian styled cenotaph of Catherine a Piro a native of Miragaia. The Viceroy Garcia de sa is said to have married here in articulo Mortis, the celebrant being , as tradition has it, St. Francis Xavier.

The Palace of The Castle: The palace of the Castle in Old Goa was the official residence of the Portoguese Viceroys and stood near the Arch of the Viceroys. Oday, all that remains of this palace is a gateway in oriental style.

Idalcao Palace Once the Castle of Panjim built by Adil Shah, it was captured by Alphonso de Albuquerque in 1510. The Portuguese Viceroy, D. Jeronimo de Azevedo, rebuilt it in the yar 1615. When Panjim was raised to the status of a city on March 22, 1843, the palace was turned into the Secretariat. Since then, it has housed the main secretariat of the Government. In front of the building is the flag post, from where the Chief Ministers take salute on Independence day.

Mordongod Site: In 1742, the kind of Sunda ceded under treaty to the Portuguese the villages of Adcolna, Talvorda and Paroda but later failed to fulfil the terms of the treaty. Conde de Alva attached the fort of Ponda, which was then occupied by the Marathas, who inflicted acrushing defeat on him on the battlefield at Mordongod, where th Conde met his death.

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