casibom giriş

Department Profile

About Department of Information and Publicity
The Department of Information and Publicity is the press and publicity wing of the Government of Goa and a nodal agency for dissemination of information through the print and electronic media, for effectively publicizing policies and programs of the government. The Department also plays a pivotal role in the promotion of schemes and policies that lead to a greater and better understanding of governance, through the Right to Information Act etc. It also works as a communication medium between the government and the media.

Effectively propagate ideals, policies and programs of the government Carry information and schemes of the government to the doorstep of the people Effectively use mass media for dissemination of such information Create awareness among the people particularly among the rural masses, about the welfare measures, through publicity Disseminate policies and programs of the government through print, electronic media, advertisements, exhibition, traditional media and others. To act as a nodal agency for release of advertisement of various government departments Bring out publications such as diaries, calendars, books, pamphlets and posters, portraits and others. Act as nodal agency for Right to Information Act Implement Press Accreditation Rules and grant accreditation to journalists Organise state/national/international film festivals Produce small film/documentaries/snippets Provide photo services to entire government Consider tours of journalists to impart better understanding of projects outside the state. Organise intra-state tours to acquaint the journalists with developmental projects Assist in organising ceremonial occasions like Independence Day, Liberation Day, Swearing in Ceremony, taluka level Shivaji Jayanti Celebrations and others.

Press Feedback:
The department prepares press clippings and forwards them to the Chief Minister, ministers, Chief Secretary and secretaries to the government. Public grievances which are reflected in the newspapers, are also provided to the concerned departments and clarifications are issued.

Press Coverage:
Press Coverage of all official functions – state level and national level are organized by the department through publicity personnel/photographers and press notes/photographs are released everyday to newspapers and electronic media. Press Meets are organized for the Governor, Chief Minister, Speaker, ministers, Deputy Speaker, secretaries and heads of semi-government bodies and visiting VIPs/central government ministers.

The department published several Books. Nave Parva, the monthly organ of the government is again in the picture.

Diaries and Calendars:
Every year, diaries and calendars are being printed and distributed. An official/government telephone directory is being printed at least twice in a year. Besides other prestigious publications of the government are being printed in this department.

Photo Exhibition:
The exhibition on various subjects and themes are organized and displayed under the department.

Advertisements: The promotional advertisement to newspapers such as magazines, periodicals, souvenirs and also Classified Advertisements, which include Tender Notices, are released by the department. An Advertisement Policy is under preparation.

Press Accreditation:
The Government has constituted a Press Accreditation Committee and so far accredited about 75 journalists including photographers and sports reporters, which facilitate media person and access to information from government sources. The accredited journalists are being given facilities like transport, official invitations and assist to discharge their professional duties smoothly.

Right to Information:
The department is the nodal agency for disseminating to Right to Information Act. The Chief Minister heads the Right to Information Council along with 13 members. REPUBLIC DAY FLOATS The tableau of the State of Goa is presented at Republic Day Parade at New Delhi every year. The float at the R-Day receives big applause all along the Rajpath in New Delhi and is the major attraction of the national event. The Department of Information has been presenting Republic Day floats at New Delhi. In the year 2010, the tableau presented was on the theme of and IFFI in Goa and has received Second prize.

Information about Officers of the Department of Information and Publicity:

Shri. Ganraj Morajkar – Joint Director.
Shri. Prakash Naik – Information Officer (Films).
Shri. Allwyn Pereira – Information Officer (Publicity/Advt).

Organisational Chart of Department of Information and Publicity Director Joint Director:
Information Officer(Films) Information Officer (Admn. /Publicity) Film Unit Publicity Unit Field Publicity Administration/Establishment Unit Field Publicity Exh. Unit C.L and Unit Language Unit and T.V. Unit Advt. Unit and Photo Unit.

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