casibom giriş


Goa is considered to be an advanced State of the country due to its all-round development and growth. This is evident from various development indicators like high literacy, low birth rate and death rate, low maternal mortality rate and high per capita income.

Goa, situated along Konkan coast of India, has a coastline of 105 kms. It has a partly hilly terrain with the Western Ghats rising to nearly 1200 mtrs. in some parts of the state. In the North, the Terekhol river separate Goa and Maharashtra. Karnataka lies to the south. The Arabian Sea is situated on the west and the Western Ghats in the east. The Tiswadi island lies between the Mandovi and Zuari rivers, which are connected on the landward side by a creek. The island is triangular in shape that divides the harbour of Goa into two parts-Aguada at the mouth of Mandovi on the north and Mormugao at mouth of Zuari on the south.

Goa was a Portuguese colony till 19 December 1961 when Indian Military Forces liberated it with the help of Freedom Fighters. Thereafter, the territory was incorporated into the Indian Union. On 30th May 1987 Goa was granted full-fledged Statehood and with this the process of decentralization of administration started. The State has geographical area of 3702 Sq.Kms. divided into two districts, six sub divisions and twelve talukas. There are two Zilla Panchayats, North Goa and South Goa. This decentralization has resulted in higher efficiency in the administration and prompt redressal of public grievances.

The climate of Goa is generally pleasant and normal throughout the year. The summer temperature varies from 24 Degree Centigrade to 36 Degree centigrade. Monsoon begins normally in the first week of June and the State receives good rainfall at an average of 2500 m.m. annually, mostly during June to September. There are six important rivers namely Mandovi, Zuari, Sal, Terekhol, Chapora and Talpona.

People of Goa are peace loving. Their hospitable nature is known world wide. As per 2011 Census, population of Goa is 14,58,545 of which 7,39,140 are male and 7,19,405 are females comprises 66.07% Hindus, 25.1% Christians, 8.33% Muslims and 0.5% other religions viz. Sikhs, Buddhist, Jains and others. The State is excellent example of religious harmony. There is no abject poverty in the state.

The state has three elected representatives in Parliament, two in Lok Sabha and one in Rajya Sabha. Goa has unicameral Legislature, with a Legislative Assembly of forty seats including one seat reserved for Scheduled Castes.

AltitudeSea level to 1,022 mts.
Density per sq.Kms.394
Birth rare (per 1,000)13.0
Death rate (per 1,000)7.2
ClimateMax.36 Deg.C.,   Min 17 Deg.C.
Annual Rainfall300 cms (Average)
Infant Mortality rate11.67 (per 1,000)
Total Literacy (%)88.70
Male Literacy (%)92.65
Female Literacy (%)84.66
Official LanguageKonkani
Other languages in useMarathi, Hindi, English, Portuguese
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