Panaji: April 4, 2024

Chaitra 15, 1945

In wake of rising temperatures, Goa State Disaster Management Authority (Goa SDMA) is taking necessary Preparedness and Mitigation Measures on Heatwave in the State. Goa SDMA has notified the Goa Heatwave Action Plan 2024 –Prevention and Mitigation of Impacts and circulated the same with all concerned Departments to ensure its necessary implementation for the safeguard of lives of general public. The Heatwave Action Plan-2024 has already been uploaded on the official websites of Goa SDMA (www.sdma.goa.gov.in) and DDMAs (North Goa and South Goa). Government has also appointed Nodal Officers from each Line Department for Disaster Management to enhance the interdepartmental coordination and among Disaster Management Authorities at State and District level.

As the apex body in the State for Disaster Management, Goa SDMA advises people to make use of the authentic information platforms with respect to necessary preparedness and preventive measures for all disasters including Heatwave. As it is evident that the State experiences rise in temperatures from March to May month causing discomfort to the general public including tourists as well. However, in order to prevent the serious health impacts like heatstroke and other related illnesses, it is recommended to make use of theSACHET Application launched by National Disaster Management Authority, Government of India to stay updated with the location based live weather forecast, necessary do’s and don’ts on all disasters including Heatwave and an emergency button(Dial 112) to seek any emergency support. The said application can be downloaded from Play Store (for Android) and App Store (for IOS).

Other Important Applications recommended by Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India that the public can make use of include: Mausam (Weather Forecast), Meghdoot (Agricultural Forecast) and Damini (Lightening Alert). Besides, the Alert on Heat Wave through the Integrated Common Alert ProtocolCAP Platform are already given by Goa SDMA and Health Department.


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